Fayetteville-Manlius Teachers' Association
NYSUT Statement on Masking in Schools
Covid-19 Reminder
Please remember that Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is available at all times - (Gloves, masks, etc.) Check in with your nurse's office in the building.
Where can I get testing locally for Covid-19?
Onondaga County’s new Self-Attestation form information:
These forms are legal documentation of your isolation or quarantine and for New York Paid Family Leave COVID-19 claims.
FMTA MOA Signed Paying Teachers to Cover Classes
FMTA has signed a new MOA that pays teachers who are willing to give up their planning period to cover classes during the Covid 19 pandemic.
Return to Work Guidelines - Onondaga County
Return to Work guidelines for essential workers has changed as of 12/23/21.
All school personnel are considered essential workers.
Please review the following document for the County's return to work guidelines.
Instructional Expectations (Covid Related Closures)
In the event that FM has an interruption to in-person classes related to Covid19, instructional expectations for teachers have been outlined by Mary Coughlin.
What Type of Day Should I Take?
Confused about what type of time to take when you are out for something COVID related? You are not alone!
Click the link below to determine what type of day to take under these unique circumstances.
Click Here to determine What Type of Day Should I Take Today?
Below you can find a list of other testing sites available in Central New York.
Upstate Community Hospital
Walk-in clinic
PCR test
No out of pocket cost
Monday-Friday 8am-1pm, 1:30-4pm
Upstate Water Street
Drive-thru testing
Appointment required
PCR test
No out of pocket cost
Monday-Friday 8am-4pm, Saturdays 8am-1pm
WellNow Urgent Care
Dedicated locations for asymptomatic PCR testing in Syracuse, Clay, Fairmount and Liverpool
Appointment encouraged, walk-ins welcome
PCR test
Covered by insurance or $100 plus any additional baseline visit fees for those that are uninsured
Syracuse Community Health Center
Testing available at S. Salina location
Monday-Friday 9am-4pm
Wal-Mart Pharmacy
Curbside and Drive-Thru PCR testing for ages 2+
Appointment required
No cost if billed to insurance of government program
Walgreens Pharmacy
Free Drive-Thru PCR testing for ages 3+
Appointment required
CVS Pharmacy
Drive-thru PCR testing available at Manlius location for ages 3+
Appointment required
No cost if billed to insurance of government program
Rite-Aid Pharmacy
Free Drive-Thru PCR testing for ages 4+
Appointment required
Kinney Drugs
Free PCR testing
Appointment required
COVID19 Testing Information
COVID19 Exposure & Quarantine Procedures
COVID19 Quarantine & Sick Time Guidance from Onondaga County
COVID19 - Latest District Information
Nearly all of our members have responded to the vaccine survey. Thank you! It's unclear at this time how mandated testing will be accomplished for unvaccinated members. (We are waiting for details from the county and perhaps state.) Please note that insurance does not at this time cover testing for work or school. For that, you will need to go to a free NYS testing site. You can contact the NYS Department of Health for details: (888) 364-3065.
Not vaccinated yet but want to be? Find a site for getting vaccinated here. It's free!
Planning a trip to Canada or elsewhere outside the US? If you subscribe to the district's BCBS Excellus health insurance, your required Covid tests are free! Timing can be tricky, so choose an asymptomatic testing site. (Tip: These sites open up appointments for the next day at midnight, so if you can stay awake that long, you can book your test for the next day and get the results within 48 hours.)
COVID19 - District Surveillance Testing FAQ
There have been a number of questions and concerns related to the Fayetteville-Manlius School District’s partnership with Onondaga County that provides for weekly COVID-19 surveillance testing of both students and staff.
As a follow up to Superintendent Craig J. Tice’s Sept. 14 letter to families and staff about the testing, the district has compiled some frequently asked questions that have been submitted to the district.
Should families use the new online link from Quadrant Biosciences to provide consent for the surveillance testing?
Families are encouraged to use the new online registration link from Quadrant Biosciences to enroll their children and provide consent for testing. Families do NOT have to complete the insurance information before submitting the form to Quadrant Biosciences.
What if I already completed the paper version of the consent form?
If you completed the paper version of the consent form, you will still need to register and give consent online. For those families without access to a computer or the internet, contact Sarah Gridley at the F-M District Office at 315-692-1200.
Why is pooled saliva testing being conducted?
Sample pooling allows for more people to be tested quickly using fewer testing resources, rather than testing each individual sample. Pooling will allow for greater numbers of students and staff to be quickly tested. Each pool will include 12 samples. Individual sampling for a study of this magnitude is not possible at this time.
What is the turnaround time for pooled test results?
The turnaround time for the initial pooled test is approximately 24 hours. Should a pool test positive, Quadrant Biosciences, which is conducting the testing, will use the swabs from the initial pool testing to perform individual tests, called reflex testing. Individuals do not need to conduct a second swab for reflex testing.
What is the turnaround time for reflex test results?
Reflex test results should be made available within 12 hours. Quadrant Biosciences will be processing and reporting tests over the weekend. With Fayetteville-Manlius having its testing on Fridays, Quadrant should be reporting results during the weekend and at the latest by Monday if reflex testing is warranted.
Will pool testing cause unnecessary quarantines?
One of the disadvantages of the surveillance testing is that students and staff may be subject to a temporary quarantine while the reflex testing is performed. By scheduling our testing on a Friday, it is our hope that all of the results would be returned before the start of school on Monday. However, there may be an instance where students and staff would need to stay home while the reflex testing is being completed.
Is there a cost associated with the testing? Is it covered by insurance?
It is our understanding that insurance will not be billed and that families do NOT have to complete that section of the online registration form before submitting it electronically. It is our understanding that the cost for the surveillance testing in schools is being underwritten by the Onondaga County Health Department using funds from a federal grant.
Will the district be informed of the number of people who register online?
Yes, the school district will have access to the registrant list in order to collaborate with Quadrant Biosciences with respect to the random sampling procedure. Every effort will be made to sample different students each week, but that depends upon the number of families who authorize consent. If for some reason a family decides to withdraw their consent in the future, they should notify the school district so that their children are removed from the sampling roster.